Meet the artists that photograph for Bevel: Kristianne Koch Riddle
I would rather live in a small, well built home (or boat) than a huge poorly crafted house.
I truly believe less is more.
I grew up in a family of world travel guides and architects.
I climbed the three highest volcanoes in Mexico-Orizaba, Ixtachihuatl and Popocatapetl.
In my late 20s, I worked as a mountaineering guide in the Sangre de Cristo range and lived out of a backpack for over 2 months.
In the year 2000 I navigated a sailboat across the Pacific Ocean.
I gave birth to my first child at the age of 39 and my second at 42.
I have been a photographer since graduating BFA in 1991 and wanted to be a war journalist when I was in my teens.
I love to be alone.
I don’t prescribe to trends and often go out of my way to do the opposite.
I would rather be anchored off a remote atoll than near a bustling port.
The first ocean passage I made was from San Diego to Hiva Oa in the Marquises Archipelago.
When I am photographing in the water or surfing, I am most often alone.
I am an explorer first, artist second.
– Kristianne Koch Riddle, August 2017